Electronics have come a long way in the last 50 years. In 1965, Gordon Moore predicted that every two years, the number of transistors in an integrated circuit would double every two years. Today known as “Moore’s Law,” this “law” was more of an observation that companies and governments alike have seen fit to invest in maintaining. Indeed, it has had wide-ranging benefits across countless industries.
Moore’s Law and Computing Power
Moore’s Law is the reason that computing power has increased so quickly over the past few decades. More transistors on a circuit means faster computing, and the fact that the speed of computers has essentially doubled every two years has allowed computers to come into play in just about every industry. Costly machines that were required to perform a single function are now obsolete thanks to the power in a single desktop computer.Improvements in Battery Technology
Meanwhile, advancements in battery technology have allowed the lithium-ion battery to hold more power in less space than ever before. This has meant that computers can be paired with these batteries in small devices like smartphones and hearing aids to bring the power of computers to a reasonable scale that we can carry with us wherever we go. Few people today have not had the experience of carrying a small computer with them as they go about their day.Moisture Harms Electronics
Unfortunately, the #1 enemy of electronics is something that is all around us, all the time: moisture. Whether it’s humidity or a puddle of water, the moisture we find out in the world can render our powerful electronic devices completely useless in moments.
Damage from condensation is more common than we might think. Even electronics that stay in our homes, like a radio that lives in the kitchen, become susceptible to corrosion every time we boil a pot of water. Moisture can corrode the metal conductors inside, leave mineral deposits or lower insulation resistance, which can create short circuits. It can saturate any dust inside the device, such that cooling can become an issue, or, again, the dust itself becomes conductive while wet to cause a short circuit. Short circuits can be catastrophic to sensitive electronic devices, or at least temporarily prevent them from working properly.
Redux for Saturated Devices!
Because water is so prevalent in our environments, manufacturers have considered the possibility that they might get wet. If you drop your smartphone into a puddle of water, for example, it will likely automatically shut itself down to prevent a catastrophic short circuit. The worst thing you can do in that situation is to try to turn it back on! Rather than risking it, open it and remove the battery and bring it to a Redux-partnered outlet. The Redux machine will completely remove all moisture from the device in 15 minutes, which in most cases will allow the device to work properly again.Hearing Aids and Regular Redux Treatments
Hearing aids are among the most difficult electronic devices to maintain. They incorporate the smallest computer chips available, in addition to having many tiny analog components, and because sound needs to clearly reach the microphones and clearly come out of the speakers, it is nearly impossible to seal the device against moisture.
Even still, it needs to live in or around our ears, exposed constantly throughout the day to our sweat and earwax, in addition to environmental moisture. This is the main reason that the expected lifespan of a set of hearing aids is about 3–7 years. That 4–year range has much to do with the relative humidity of the climate the wearer lives in, as well as their individual level of perspiration and earwax production. Enter the Redux machine:
Regular use of the Redux process will entirely remove all moisture from the hearing aids in 15 minutes. This protects against the accumulated effects of corrosion over time, and keeps the hearing aids functioning better for longer. Redux machines have even demonstrated improvement, over the course of thousands of uses, in 80% of hearing aids that were thought to be functioning well! It’s clear that the Redux process should come to be seen as a normal aspect of regular hearing aid maintenance, as the significant investment that a person makes in a set of hearing aids can last longer and function better over the course of its lifespan.
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